Qiang Fu (付强)

Qiang Fu (付强)

Final Year of PhD

Google Scholar


I am in the final year of the Ph.D. with the National Engineering Laboratory for Robot Visual Perception and Control Technology at Hunan University, directed by Prof. Hongshan Yu. Prior to beginning the Ph.D program, I obtained my B.S. degree with a Top 5% GPA in Electronic Information Science and Technology from Hunan Normal University in 2015. Subsequently, I was recommended for admission to be a postgraduate at Hunan Univerisity without exams. From 2019 to 2020, I was a Visiting Scholar in the Robotic and Vision Group, Department of Computing Science at University of Alberta (Canada), under the supervision of Prof. Hong Zhang (IEEE and CAE Fellow).

My research interests focus on visual SLAM and computer vision (CV). Currently, I am looking for an opening position such as postdoctor, research associate, or algorithm engineer about visual SLAM or CV. I can be reached at: cn.fq@qq.com.

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  • Visual SLAM
  • Computer Vision
  • Mobile Robot


  • PhD, Control Science and Engineering, 2016-2021

    National Engineering Laboratory for Robot Visual Perception and Control Technology, Hunan University

  • Visiting PhD Student, Computing Science, 2019-2020

    Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta




C++ & Python





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